06 June 2009

To Filter or Not to Filter?

Well! Entropy is currently about halfway to its intended destination of its main characters getting it on. With that in mind, I'm considering the pros and cons of filtering for adult content. Pros include, obviously, not getting sued by enraged persons stumbling across my blog and avoiding the possibility of Google shutting me down for what could be construed as breaking the rules.

When I first signed up for a spot here, I looked over the adult content policy very carefully, with an eye towards the future possibilities of sex scenes in my writing. The hard lines of the policy dictate that one must filter for adult images and/or video. There is no rule about written "adult situations."

However, I kind of see it as a courtesy to filter. I'm pretty sure not everyone on the internet is going to want to have what I will post right in their faces. However, I'm not sure exactly how the content filter works. Does it do a blanket for the entire blog, or just specific entries? Ideally, I'd like to be able to do it on a case-by-case basis...because I find it equally unfair that people would have to skip over all the other, non-sexually-based writing, just because my blog warns them that there may be some naughty stuff. It's not like I'm running a porn shop here! Writing that happens to contain occasional sex, is not the same as nothing but sex that's in written form. (It's like the difference between all squares being rectangles and not all rectangles being squares.)

The good news is that I don't have to make any real decisions until later. Maybe I should do a trial run and see how the A.C. filter will affect the blog?

Anyway, I'm going to be working on chapter eight this weekend. I plan to be done by Sunday evening...but I'm not-so-secretly hoping that I'll be done by bedtime tonight. I always think I'll be done faster than it turns out being, though, so don't hold your breath. ^_^


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