17 June 2009


I did a teensy bit of cleaning up chapter nine because, to my chagrin, I found a couple little nasty spots. I want to go back and re-work the last couple paragraphs too. They seemed rushed to me, but that could be an unfortunate product of skimming for errors. I didn't slow down while reading.

As always, I find myself in a quandary. I have some misgivings, some doubts about chapter ten's opening. This chapter is one of my favorites, content-wise. I wonder if I'm doing it a disservice or taking away from its impact with the opening that's there. I'm tempted to just do away with the crappy bit, but I also realize that there needs to be a bit of build-up before the exciting stuff happens, because otherwise it is out of context and may give a reader whiplash.

All this adds up to more re-writing. And it's not (for once) that I dread doing it. I'm worried about running out of time. The personal life is definitely interfering with my schedule. I'm not going to be able to post starting next Monday. I don't know when I'll be back here, but if I did, I'd say so. Unless I finish chapter ten over the next two-ish days, it will probably be a couple weeks before I can get back to it.

I would love to be able to bang out chapter ten before the hiatus. Writing consumes a huge amount of my time and my energy and I'm already at a low ebb. I am extremely tired. I want, intellectually, to write, write, write. But all I feel capable of, at this point, is watching cartoons. I'm too tired to read, for crying out loud! (Also, I would do horrible things for chocolate right now.)

The good news is that I've been puttering in not-chapter-ten territory. I have nearly two thousand more words of further plotting, with a possible latter half of this story. (Yes, it's sad. I'm maybe a quarter of the way through with editing. The halfway point of the whole story is, I am thinking, the end of what I have drafted out right now...which means the rest of the story isn't in existence yet.)

I'm going to go rest my brain now.


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