07 June 2009

Thoughts on Chapter Nine

First off, I apologize for leaving a few spacing errors in chapter eight. There are some extra large blank spaces between a few of the paragraphs that should not be there...and probably some spots where there should be more space. (I use two blank lines for scene breaks, and only one for regular spacing between paragraphs.) I'm going to go back and fix that shortly.

Now, on to chapter nine's stuff!

Chapter nine is another chapter that is going to need lots of work, especially in light of some of the additions I made in chapter eight. As far as the story goes, it's a pretty dramatic point, and I think it needs more expansion to highlight that drama. Plus, there's a bunch more boring exposition that I need to make disappear. (I know, I know. It's always the boring exposition that gets me...)

Also, chapter nine takes place a while after chapter eight. I'm debating whether or not I should try to close that gap a little, or if I should just try to be more clear how long it has been (in the story's chronology) since the events of chapter eight. I mean, I state it pretty plain how much time has passed, but is that going to be too much of a shock/disappointment to the reader?

Let me rephrase. Is it believable or convincing for me to skip over the rest of the construction stuff? On the one hand, I'd love to go into more detail about their adventures in house building, but I also realize that such material isn't helping the story move forward. Chapter eight, for example, had several purposes, several things it added to the story. I'm worried if I do a similar chapter it won't work as well. I'm trying to skip over the more boring stuff...because I could write forever and forever on the details of their day-to-day lives, but I don't think that would make for good reading to anyone else.

(Plus, you know, such a gap is very convenient for me because my knowledge of construction is woefully small. Principles of design and decoration, though.... ^_^ It's too bad I can't see the characters doing a lot of painting and stuff, hahahaha.)

I'm going to try to deal with chapter nine over the next few days. My personal life is getting hectic, but I'm still trying to make time for writing every day. I'm sorry in advance for the inevitable delays that will happen over the next three weeks. Anyway, I've got to go and do more stuff that does not involve sitting in front of the computer.


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