22 April 2009

Chapter 2...

...is not going to be posted until sometime tomorrow, if I'm lucky.

Apologies for the hiatus! I had food poisoning. Again. For an entire week. (That's seriously like the second full week of food poisoning I've had in the past month.)

I'm busily catching up on everything I had to put aside in favor of being sick...chores, errands, and writing too! For some reason I can't concentrate on writing if my house is messy. My cat took full advantage of my weakness and he's scattered everything that was piled up and scatterable. (He tore apart three separate rooms' worth of stuff and tried his best to kill all my houseplants.) But! My cleanup is almost complete.

I feel ready to edit chapter two...which means I can then post it. ^_^ I want to write more on the story too, but I don't think it's a good idea to mix writing and editing. It's like if a guy decides to grow a beard and then decides the best way to accomplish that is to shave it off every couple days. Editing inhibits writing like razors inhibit beard growth. Yes, the beard is still going to grow, but not as long as it could have gotten had it not been shaved.

Righto. Tomorrow (read: technically later today) is the day. I'm going to give it a good hard look, polish it up a bit, and post. For now, I shall go sleep to prepare for this great endeavor.


  1. "Editing inhibits writing like razors inhibit beard growth. Yes, the beard is still going to grow, but not as long as it could have gotten had it not been shaved."

    xDDDD Going to quote that whenever I get the chance.
