28 March 2009


At last, the two parts of the story have merged and become one humongous file on my computer! It took me a little more than a paragraph to join them... like three paragraphs and a conversation, hahaha, but they're together now, and that's what counts. (Probably when I go back through it'll get even longer. I feel a little rushed, but I'm so glad I have only one giant document instead of flipping back and forth between two.)

I'm at a whopping 16568 words for the whole enchilada. I shudder to think how much time I've poured into it. Truthfully I lost count along the way, but let's make a guesstimate! If you spent 3.5 hours a day every day for five weeks, that's 122 hours. That's the time I worked solidly on the story. I worked sporadically after that for a week, and then ignored it until a couple days ago. Hence, my guesstimate is that I have spent probably around 140 hours on this so far, just typing on the computer. That's three and a half weeks of a nine-to-five sort of job!

I'm in deep.

Someday in the near-to-middling future there will be actual evidence of this as yet unsubstantiated monster story, right here on this blog...just don't hold your breath!

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