10 September 2009

Taking a step backward...

Remember a while back when I mentioned a possible prologue? Well, I've come to the conclusion that is is integral to the overall plot of Entropy. I've been editing it, and I expect to post it tomorrow after a final once-over. (Truthfully, it's more or less my favorite part of the story to date, despite writing it way after everything else.)

The content of chapter twelve has to be changed radically in order to get it in line with chapter eleven and the chapters that are yet to come.

It occurred to me today that I've been working on this story for eight months now. Eight months is a long time. Although I haven't been dedicating those eight months solely to this story, I haven't ever completely put it down. Other ideas have come and gone, but I appear to have committed myself to this one.

I have plans for a new, entirely original story. So far I have a general plot (and some specific points as well) but I have no characters to put in it. You would think that plot would kind of come with characters, but I have none, except in the most general of senses--there have to, logically, be people for the setting and environment to have meaning, but specifically, I somehow don't have a place for them to go. My admittedly over-elaborate background work appears to be crowding out the characters. At this point, the people are just vehicles for the what-if scenario I'm so interested in. But! It can be fixed...I hope.

I must go to bed before I turn into a brain-sucking zombie.


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