26 March 2009


So this evening I took a good hard look at the fanfic of doom. I haven't written in it in weeks. (I keep a master word-processor file and do all my official typing in there. I have done some notebook writing for this fic in the meantime, but it hasn't gone into the computer yet.)

I discovered, to my delight, that the distance of a few weeks has really made a difference. Sure, it's still sloppy and the timeline needs some tweaking, but it's A. not as boring and dragged out as I thought and B. not nearly so holey and gap-filled as I had feared. Hooray for less editing to be done! I'm actually liking what I've written again. ^_^

After I finished re-reading the entire of what I'd written, I started to write some more. I was determined to catch up to the "present" in which the characters are enjoying post-coital bliss. I didn't get that far, quite...but I did get to the part where the characters actually agree to engage in not-worksafe behavior. So really, because I've already written the aforementioned behavior, I'm about a paragraph away from being all caught up! (And to think, it only took me 1700 words to fill in the time and events between the pieces I'd already written.)

I think as soon as I finish the last paragraph, I'm going to break what I have written into manageable chapters and then go through each piece with a fine-tooth comb. (Heck, I haven't even spell-checked this monster, and it's pushing 14000 words.) It needs the editing badly, I'm sure.

And then, one by one, I'm going to send the chapters to my wonderful, glorious, looker-over-reader-opinionaries. (I know, I could just say beta, but I think opinionary has a nice ring to it.) So hopefully I'll get some feedback from, you know, people who aren't me...because that's all I've gotten so far. I am my harshest critic, but I don't want to be my only!

(And, after all that, I'll probably start posting pages here and elsewhere on the internet. Just you wait! I'm going to become beloved by millions, hahahahaha!)

But alas! I must soon go to bed, for it is late and my creative efforts have tired me.

p.s. I've also been frittering away time making icons and other digital imaging candies. I'm currently working on one that I'm (not very seriously) titling "Sir Prettyface." Because, of course, the sir in question has a very pretty face. I may end up making a whole roundtable's worth of pretty-boy icons. ^_^

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